A photo of a plate of pasta one of the carbohydrates

Weight loss with carbohydrates


Photo of a carbohydrate tray

What carbohydrates should I eat and what carbohydrates should I not eat to lose weight?  (Letom)

Processed carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and cookies are high in sugar, calories, sodium, and fat.

 As a result, they should be eliminated from our diet.

 But there is a problem, and that is that we lose weight, but our hunger-regulating hormones and mood are disrupted.

When we consume a lot of carbohydrates, the pancreas produces insulin.

Now, if we suddenly reduce it, too much insulin will change our physical condition.

Lack of it can cause headaches or tremors and emotional stimuli such as depression.

Photo of a bakery oven and white bread one of the carbohydrates

Carbohydrates should be consumed to supply energy to the brain

They stimulate the transfer of the hormone tryptophan to the brain.

In the next step, tryptophan is converted to serotonin

Serotonin suppresses appetite and strengthens the nervous system of the brain.

Now, if the brain does not get enough carbohydrates, the hormones will do anything to get it.

A picture of a cup of black tea next to a muffin of one of the harmful carbohydrates

If we fight this desire, the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released, which leads to stress and anxiety, and eventually bad mood.

The tenth wave of weight loss, by eliminating harmful carbohydrates for weight loss and eating beneficial carbohydrates for weight loss: (Letom)

What should we do now?

In order to reduce our waistline and not have the problems of hunger and bad mood, we must know that our brain needs 130 grams of carbohydrates per day.

First, we eliminate processed carbohydrates such as sweets from your diet.

Photo of a table full of organic fruits and vegetables and teas

So we need to eat good carbohydrates like rice, whole grains and fruits, and vegetables that have more fiber.

As a result, fiber prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar thus reducing food cravings.

So it increases the feeling of satiety, also we do not face mood swings.

Most of all, they prevent the absorption of intestinal fats.

Also, we need to eat some carbohydrates throughout the day so that the brain has a stable source of glucose.

A picture of fruits and vegetables as harmful carbohydrates

To have a long and healthy life with weight loss and a balanced mood, we eat two servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

By reducing carbohydrates, we deprive our body of gluten, which is useful in eliminating bad fats.

But if we use wheat germ before meals, we will both get the necessary gluten and curb our appetite.

Conclusion: (Letom)

In general, I realized that I should not do anything to lose weight because it may harm my health

The main thing is health and then weight loss should be important to me

So if I cut down on carbs, I have a problem because the brain needs it for energy.

Or there is a problem, and that is that we lose weight, but our hunger-regulating hormones and mood are disrupted.

Photo of spaghetti

What can I do to lose weight?

I eliminate harmful carbohydrates for weight gain such as bread, pasta, cookies from my diet.

Finally, I substitute useful carbohydrates such as legumes and vegetables, and fruits that are high in fiber.

Pictures of fruits and vegetables in the article Carbohydrates for weight loss

Note that consumption they can provide the gluten needed by the body, which eliminates bad fats.

Therefore, before eating, we should eat wheat germ to eliminate bad fats in our body in addition to reducing appetite.

Office and auto

About the author

I am Mansoura, a graduate of the University of Tehran, where I managed to complete a course in traditional medicine at the University of Tehran, and years of experience in group work in the field of health.

And Help me understand how to change habits and study herbs and organic tea and tea.

we can achieve our goal along with health, along with fat burning.

And sustainable weight loss, by raising awareness and consuming thermogenic foods and natural fat burners, and daily exercise.

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