Wholesale natural dried red pepper

from 2.50 to 3.50 Euros

pepper in the wholesale of herbs

The wholesale price of dried organic red pepper

organic dried red pepper

Buy 3.50 euros per kilogram, at least 2 tons

Buy from 2 tons to 6 tons, 2% discount

From 5 tons to 10 tons discount 4%

And from 10 tons to 60 tons at a discount of 6%

Buy at least 1.5 tons, the following facilities are provided to you.

1- custom logo

2- Custom packaging

3- Customize the graphics

In bulk, it is mainly shipped in 30kg or 450g packages and a T-bag.

Our wholesalers are looking to buy and negotiate products

No market can compete in the field of organic dried red pepper with wholesale of the best natural dried fruits: (Letom)

organic dried red pepper is especially popular in many countries.

On the other hand, Iran is one of the largest fruit growers in the East.

As a result, no exporter can compete with the wholesaler of the best natural dried fruits.

This is a golden opportunity for us in these countries.

We are located in a country that has countless garden resources.

Wholesale of the best-dried fruits in the East can easily satisfy buyers or other wholesalers.

pepper in Letom wholesale

Most importantly, products such as pistachios, saffron, and Iranian dried natural red pepper are world-famous because it is one of the largest producers in the world.

Iran is one of the largest producers in the world, despite the favorable conditions for harvesting high-quality agricultural products, especially in the production of pistachios, saffron, dates, figs, raisins, organic dried red pepper, etc.

As a result, no country can compete with Iran in exporting these products.

The agricultural sector is the main engine in launching the economy of any country.

So our wholesaler is located in a country that has four excellent seasons and climates in the growth and cultivation of agricultural products.

As a result, it can offer the best organic dried fruits in the wholesale of the best natural dried fruits in the East.

red pepper

The most popular spice in the world is organic dried red pepper :

Organic dried pepper is cultivated and harvested in the tropics.

the best natural dried red pepper is found in Iran.

And it is used in all countries and in all kitchens as the best and most popular condiments and spices.

In addition to being a great flavor for food, naturally dried pepper has medicinal properties and is excellent for health.

Diet foods usually have a taste that people do not like due to the elimination of fat from the food.

So they should use natural dried red pepper as a spice to restore the taste of these foods.

With age, the need to use flavorings such as organic dried red pepper increases.

Because in old age, some people have more fat in the body that needs to burn with this organic dried red pepper.

pepper for fat burning

Weight loss with organic dried red pepper as one of the natural fat burners:

Organic dried red pepper is one of the medicinal plants that are very effective for weight loss and fat burning due to its low calorie and heat production.

Eating red natural dried pepper after twenty minutes maximizes body temperature and the body consumes more oxygen.

Anyone looking to lose weight burns more calories by eating naturally dried pepper and eliminates excess body fat.

We should use this diet spice along with our daily food.

When we eat natural dried red pepper, we feel warm because of the presence of a substance called capsaicin in a naturally dried pepper, which causes the release of adrenaline.

The hormone adrenaline raises body temperature and metabolism and sometimes causes weight loss by eliminating toxins from the body through sweating.

dried pepper for weight loss

The fiber in dried red pepper, in addition to weight loss, can ensure our health and is a strong fat burner.

Properties, Ingredients and nutrients and harms of organic dried red pepper in our wholesale: (Letom)


  1. Strengthen the immune system
  2. Treatment of anemia or iron absorption in the body
  3. Lower blood cholesterol
  4. Antibacterial
  5. Create heat and lose weight
  6. Pain relief
  7. Anti-bleeding
  8. Cardiovascular health
  9. Blood circulation
  10. Digestion and boosting the body’s metabolism.
  11. Treatment of rheumatism and inflammation
  12. Antispasmodic
  13. Useful for kidney, pancreas
  14. energy producer
  15. Constipation treatment
  16. flu treatment
  17. Treatment of severe cough
  18. Treatment of dysentery
  19. Antiseptic and antimicrobial
  20. Sputum for lungs
  21. Help treat pneumonia
  22. Reduce blood clotting
  23. Reduce the risk of cancer
  24. Weight loss with hot red pepper

Ingredients and nutrients:

pepper next to letom herbs

Organic dried peppers, raw, red – 100 g

  1. calories  40
  2. water 88%
  3. protein  9 g
  4. carbohydrates  8 g
  5. sugar  3.5 g
  6. fiber  1.5 g
  7. fat  0.4 g
  8. fat  0.04 g
  9. Omega 3   10.0 g
  10. Omega 6   0.23 g
  11. Vitamin C, B6, A
  12. Sinalic acid
  13. Capsaicin
  14. Lu Tenin
  15. Violaxanthin
  16. Capsin
  17. Vitamin K
  18. potassium
  19. Copper

Harms of excessive consumption

Quality organic dried red pepper

  1. Red pepper is not recommended for children.
  2. Allergies
  3. Excessive consumption of pepper due to high antioxidants increases the risk of cancer.
  4. Excessive consumption damages the stomach and intestines
  5. Those who suffer from heartburn should not consume pepper.
  6. Patients do not consume pepper nerves
  7. pregnant women
  8. Breastfeeding women

Corona News and Wholesale organic dried red pepper

After preparing organic dried red pepper, it should be used to strengthen the immune system

Organic pepper contains vitamin C, which our body needs to prevent corona

Pepper warms our body and eliminates inflammation

So it is great for treating colds and severe coughs

It also eliminates constipation in us and this is one of the reasons why toxins are expelled from our body

The wholesale prices

Buy 3.50 euros per kilogram, at least 2 tons

Buy from 2 tons to 6 tons, 2% discount

From 5 tons to 10 tons discount 4%

And from 10 tons to 60 tons at a discount of 6%

Buy at least 1.5 tons, the following facilities are provided to you.

1- custom logo

2- Custom packaging

3- Customize the graphics

In bulk, it is mainly shipped in 30kg or 450g packages and a T-bag.

Our wholesalers are looking to buy and negotiate products


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